Pricing a house can be difficult because too often agents feel pressured to list the house at a price the sellers want. Yet, the best agent for the seller is an agent who tells the seller what the house will actually sell at. Over the last 500 houses I have sold, my listing price has been within 2% of the sales price 98% of the time.
I like to use three prices when pricing a house; a low, medium, and a high price that I call aggressive, passive, and...
Photo seduction is trying to entice buyers to get out from behind their computer, to leave work or home, to get out from their car, to want to come to see the house in person. Currently, I find, especially a listing with a lot of functional obsolescence, you need more people to come in the house.
Photo Seduction
Photo Seduction is the ability to get more traffic to the house. The more buyers you get to come to look, the more buyers you get interested in, thus increasing demand. Also, getting...